Lawyers, Guns and Money: John McCain adds North Korea to the list of nations requiring "regime change."
Mahablog: Are we too cynical, or not cynical enough?
Steve Benen: For David Broder, "compromise" means President Obama caving to Republican demands on Bush tax cuts, the START treaty and just about everything else.
Booman Tribune: Darrell Issa wants federal government – or at least, some parts of it - to "go on a diet."
Echidne of the Snakes: Armed Minnesota Republican legislator stalks woman outside a Planned Parenthood clinic.
Brilliant at Breakfast: Apparently, abstinence isn't the only high profile failure of sex education in Alaska.
And your quote of the day: "You cut taxes and the tax revenues increase." (George W. Bush)
Guest blogging Mike's Blog Round Up this week is Jon Perr from Perrspectives. Send your tips, recommendations, comments and angst to mbr AT perrspectives DOT com.