The science is undeniable - There are a heck of a lot of droughts in the U.S. This could make things rather unpleasant, regardless of your opinion on Climate Change.
Mad Mike's America: After Romney's Free-Fail, Londoners demand their opportunity to vote in the Nov. election.
Wattree: It's not difficult to see that the GOP is the party of greed and fiscal irresponsibility.
Outside The Beltway: 30 percent of Republicans still think Obama is a Muslim. The party of progressive intelligence this is not.
Emily L. Hauser: Let's call thing what they are. For instance, "Voter I.D. Laws" are actually "Poll Taxes."
Round-up by Bill Wolfrum of William K. Wolfrum Chronicles and on Twitter: (@Wolfrum). Send tips to MBRU (at) crooksandliars (dot) com