Reports have Burger King seeking to buy Tim Hortons and move to Canada. We win, America. At long last. This century is our century. But thanks for everything. (Or, wait… is this just another way of advancing your ultimate goal of complete global domination, buying up an essentially Canadian institution, a cornerstone of our democracy, and then controlling us gastronomically from within our own borders? Crap. Well played. Next thing you know you'll take over the NHL and move its headquarters to New York. Oh.)
No More Mister Nice Blog: In defence of the NYT's John Eligon.
The Moderate Voice: Faux outrage at Obama's golfing.
Frankly Curious: The goal of education reform.
Perrspectives: Rick Perry and the criminalization scam.
The Duck of Minerva: Ferguson and U.S. foreign policy.
Round-up by Michael J.W. Stickings of The Reaction. (Twitter: @mjwstickings.) I'll be here all week.
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