It's been no secret that Trump hates it every time there is an organized protest against him.
After the anti-Trump tax return protests this weekend, he tweeted out this nonsense.
Stop doing your civic duty as American citizens and get over it, you paid stooges.
This pattern began as soon as he took office.
After he was inaugurated on January 20th, Trump's first inclination was to slam those protesting him by alleging none of the women marchers ever voted in the election, even though almost three million more people voted against Trump in the election.
The Constitution Blog headline screamed that conservative boogeyman George Soros funded over 50 groups that participated in the march, alleging that while ssome were genuine, most were paid minions.
Politifact rated this claim: Pants on Fire.
On February 6th, Sean Spicer was asked by Fox and Friends if "there is an organized push back and people are being paid to protest?"
Spicer replied, "Oh, absolutely. Protesting has become a profession now -- The tea party was a very organic movement. This has become a paid astroturf type movement."
A few days later, Breitbart jumped into the fray using the same baseless, fact-free info the Constitution Blog used in February to write: "Soros Groups Behind Massive Anti-Trump Tax Day Protest Plot"
Soon after, Republican politicians were holding various twin halls across the country and they were deluged with outraged constituents.
Rep. Louie Gohmert became the poster boy of the ridiculous by refusing to attend his town hall, using the shooting of Gabby Giffords as his excuse.
"At this time there are groups from the more violent strains of the leftist ideology, some even being paid, who are preying on public town halls to wreak havoc and threaten public safety, " Louie said.
Last weekend, a new round of anti-Trump tax return protests took place, prompting the same tired whine from Trump and his surrogates about paid activists.
Immediately his BFFs from Fox and Friends responded by saying the election is over. "It wouldn't surprise me if they were paid protesters out there doing this."
Kellyanne Conway followed up with a call for protesters to be investigated, just like in a banana republic.
Ainsley asked, "He's suggesting people are protesting and getting paid, is that true?"
Conway channeled Donald, insisting, "He's saying look into it and I totally support him on that."
CNN's Jeffrey Lord, paid Trump propagandist took to the airwaves many times to moronically defend Trump from refusing to release his tax returns.
Americans are angry that Trump refuses to releases his tax returns and Tom Cotton felt their rage yesterday.
This morning Lord was brought on CNN's New Day again (the top video) and he was asked to explain Cotton's voters in Arkansas who want Trump's tax returns released.
Lord despicably said, "I'd like to know how many are paid activists, who paid them and will that person put out their taxes so we can see them."
His response elicited an exasperated "groan" from Symone Sanders until she finally called him a "hypocrite."
Nobody believes millions of protesters are being paid off by left wing shadow groups, but the truth doesn't matter when it comes to Trump's Ministry of Propaganda.
All the available data points exposes the real people who are "paid activists" are those being employed by CNN, supporting Trump. Apologists like Kayleigh McEnany, Scottie Nell Hughes, Jeffrey Lord and former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski.
They lie, rewrite history and change the subject instead of debating the topic at hand. These are the true paid agitators.
We expect Fox News to employ gaslighters such as these. All networks have paid contributors that support their candidates viciously, but nothing like we see on CNN, who is trying to sell itself as a neutral party in all of this.
If we were to view Jeffrey Lord's tax returns just for the hell of it, they wouldn't reveal anything that could influence the course the U.S. takes on economic and foreign policy since he's not the president and his ludicrous talking points just waste valuable air time.
But that's the whole point of the Lords that populate CNN. Waste time, lie, and distract from the real issues. It's time for CNN to stop promoting their bad behavior.