Between all the sights (and sounds) of the news yesterday and Maddow crying on teevee, I attended a Juneteenth block party here in Seattle. Juneteenth is one of the most uplifting reminders that we have done the right thing for the right reasons before, and we can do the right thing for the right reasons again. Keep fighting the good fight, fellow Crooks and Liars, and keep the faith: we will get to the other side of this crime against humanity, too.
You Are Dumb gives us a concise through-line of how we got here.
Mike the Mad Biologist tells us why we should have expected this.
Shower Cap's Blog summarizes the news of last week as only he can.
Bonus Track: Happy Purrrrrrrrride from She Who Seeks.
Round-up by Tengrain who blogs at Mock, Paper, Scissors. You can follow Tengrain on the Twitters, too. Send tips, requests, and suggestions to (with For MBRU in the subject line).