Mike's Blog Round Up
June 28, 2018

Oh swell, a Supreme Court retirement edition.

Rubber Hose does not have a positive take.

In forced retirements: Humanizing the Vacuum finds donors who lost when Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won.

Mahablog: "Dems Get a Memo"; she supports the yout', not the ossified wretches leading Democrats to a conventional wisdom hell. Again: The last two Presidents who won the popular presidential vote (2006 doesn't count, due to incumbency) were Democrats under 50: Clinton & Obama.

More damn "civility" from guess which side, compiled by Orcinus.

"Silly Site o' the Day", from Pen-Elayne: Footie Flops.

M. Bouffant did this, & he's sorry about all the awful news. He also does this, daily.

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