The Extortion of Ukraine Edition.
Snowflakes in the Deep South: U. of Alabama student "gov't." warns about "disruptive behavior" when Pres. Lumpy comes calling for the big game, via Bark Bark Woof Woof.
Salt & sugar: The Big Bad Bald Bastard watches Zirconia & Dacron make banana pudding on Fox & Freaks. He can't figure them out either.
More Culture & Cuisine, from inane dipstick Florida Man & Member of Congress Matt Gaetz: “It’s a worldview where you eat nothing but kale and quinoa, where those of us who cling to our Bibles and our guns and our fried foods and real America are looked down upon,” Gaetz claimed, before comparing journalists to “pigeons, waiting for Adam Schiff to throw them a little bit of bird food.”
“And then they just go take it and fly off it with whatever narrative that he wants to spin,” he concluded.
Yes, the same Matt Gaetz who thinks a kangaroo court is run by a "malicious Cap't. Kangaroo".
Continuing the Elected Official Idiot theme, Hackwhackers on the Sen. Kennedy no one will remember.
Bonus Aggregator of the Day: Scottie keeps his eyes & ears on the web & shares what he finds, daily. Plus cat pics!
Painstakingly crafted by Web Of Evil (& Ennui)'s M. Bouffant.
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