It's the Almost Impeached Edition!
This is interesting: "Trumpers Remember Armenian Genocide With Solemn Screams, Fisticuffs At Adam Schiff Event", from Wonkette. I say interesting because this is the first I've heard of it, although it happened Saturday w/in ten miles of my undisclosed location. Cover-up?
Kentucky Repubs turn on ex-Gov. Bevin for his lame duck pardon spree, at Blue in the Bluegrass, via FairandUnbalanced.
Living in the past: Time (magazine) is a shadow of its former self (who could possibly have given a fling at a rolling dough-nut about it any time post-WWII?) but some people stuck in the past still care. Entirely too much.
Hallmark Channel continued: Mustang Bobby notes the channel reversed their decision not to air jewelry adverts featuring same-sex couples marrying. Idiots.
Ironic Bonus, from Alternate Brain.
Thrown together by M. Bouffant, who is waiting for your suggestions & tips at