"Why am I living?
Why am I still alive?"
Another wk. (& month) comes to an end. It'll be 2022 before you know it. Good luck w/ that.
At Electablog, a Michigan county clerk advises
BE AFRAID: Spooky Season is here for election officials and democracy itself, too
The police have never been your friends. Zandar on the Biden Bus "road rage" lawsuit, & what the police didn't do.
Do-Nothing DeSantis is raked over the coals by the Orlando Sentinel, via Joe.My.God.
Burr Deming's wkly. round-up.
Bonus feline feature from Why Evolution Is True.
Today's Hallowe'en Horrors by M. BOO!-ffant. Send your stuff to: mbru@crooksansliars.com.