Hershel Walker Claims He Never Heard Trump Say The Election Was Stolen
Credit: Screengrab
May 24, 2022

During an interview with the Republican candidate for the Georgia Senate seat, Hershel Walker made believe he never heard Trump say the 2020 election was stolen.

Walker, endorsed by Trump, must think Georgia voters have been hibernating in a hermetically sealed cocoon since 2020.

The Republican Accountability Project posted video on Twitter that has Walker arguing with a reporter over Trump's bogus election fraud claims.

Reporter, "One of the things that motivated Trump and giving endorsements to various candidates has been has been whether or not they accept his claim that the election was stolen."

"Do you think the election was stolen?"

Walker began stuttering, "Well, I don't think you, I think you, I think reporters said that. I don't know whether President Trump ever said, because he never said that to me."

"He says it over and over," the reporter rightly said.

Walker replied, "No, you may. No, no, no, no. [Trump] he has never, I've never heard President Trump ever say that."

Sure, sure, Herschel. We believe you.

Trump only whines about it on every single interview, tweet or Truth post he makes.

It's embarrassing for Walker to lie like that.

Trump has singled out Brian Kemp and Brad Raffensperger for refusing to overthrow Georgia's election results and everyone in Georgia knows this, even Walker.

Happy primary day, Georgia!

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