August 9, 2022

Fox News' Dan Bongino took his faux outrage to the next level, screaming 'bullsh*t' after the FBI searched Trump's Mar-A-Lago residence.

The insane MAGA reaction to a lawfully executed search warrant at Mar-a-Lago by the FBI by Trump supporters in the right-wing media echo chamber is quite telling.

They are saying Trump is above the law.

"This is some third world bullsh*t right here," Bongino said, not caring he's on cable TV.

BingoBongo was furious that he raised his hand to support the Constitution once upon a time but for some reason calls a legal and lawful search at Mar-a-Lago a "freaking disgrace!"

BingoBongo made the unfounded claim that FBI agents raided Trump's Florida residence," because they don't like his politics."

This is madness.

BingoBongo says nobody will take FBI seriously, echoing the entire wingnut faux outrage.

And then he ended his segment crying.

"Listen, America, they are laughing at you."

"The left thinks this is hilarious -- . they think this is hilarious."

No, it's not funny what the country has endured under the immoral leadership and lies perpetrated by Trump and his acolytes.

There's nothing hilarious about what the Christian nationalists are doing to this country.

We are heaving a sigh of relief that hopefully something concrete will happen to Trump for his endless criminality.

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