Mike's Blog Round-Up
Winter TrimCredit: M. Bouffant
March 1, 2023

The Incompetence Edition

Can We Still Govern? notes that Fla. Goobernator DeSantis is part of a broader attack on professional competence.

The Confluence: And If you're a Republican freshman who isn't too worried about petty concepts like truth, competence doesn't seem necessary in Congress.

emptywheel shares Dominion v. Fox filings concerning Sydney Powell & her relationship w/ truth.

That's a lot of relatively serious reading. Let's wrap it up w/ cultural warfare from North Stars and Cowboy Bars: Why Is It So Hard To Be A White Conservative Christian Heterosexual These Days?

An M. Bouffant aggregation. Submissions to mbru@crooksandliars.com will be considered.

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