Eric Trump, the son of former President Donald Trump, said that he would "take a bullet" for Secret Service agents after his father was shot at a rally earlier this month.
July 22, 2024

Eric Trump, the son of former President Donald Trump, said that he would "take a bullet" for Secret Service agents after his father was shot at a rally earlier this month.

During a Sunday interview on Fox News, host Maria Bartiromo asked Trump if he had requested more security for his father.

"Maria, I'm going to try to bite my tongue as much as humanly possible on this one, but it's obviously a sore subject," Trump said. "You know, first of all, I love the men and women of the Secret Service."

"They were with me for almost five years, and I would take a bullet for them just as fast as they would take a bullet for me," he continued. Some of them are dear friends, personal friends, and they are incredible people."

Trump said the agents on the ground with his father "did their job, and they did it incredibly well."

"The director of the Secret Service should resign in absolute disgrace," he insisted. "The fact that the Biden administration could allow a former president and very likely a future president to take a bullet through the ear, and there's no accountability, and the person's still in their job, just shows how disgraceful and inept the administration is."

The president's son suggested Democrats were behind a plot to kill his father.

"I said that the Democrats would stop at absolutely nothing," he explained. "And I've said on this show before, I wouldn't be surprised if they tried something even worse, alluding to exactly what happened just over a week ago from today."

"And I'm not a tinfoil hat-wearing guy," he added. "In fact, I'm probably a little bit more centrist than a lot of people would otherwise understand."

"But I've seen the way that they've attacked him. I've seen the way that they've tried to get him, and they would stop at absolutely nothing."

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