July 30, 2024

Won't PAC Down put out an absolutely crazy good ad called "These Guys Are Just Weird" and it is the perfect representation of the kind of whackjobs, incels and losers that will ABSOLUTELY show up to vote in November...and not for Kamala Harris. They will vote to take away your rights, control your body, decide what your kids can read (and not read) in school, etc.

I especially love the sweaty shirts. Progressively sweatier.

Twitter loved the ad:

The MAGA nuts in the comments repeatedly screaming that they are NOT weird at all remind me of the famous DRIL comment (if you know, you know):

“'I'm not owned! I'm not owned!! ', I continue to insist as I slowly shrink and transform into a corn cob”

Weirdos. All of them.

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