August 13, 2024

LULAC, the League of United Latin American Citizens, broke with its 95-year tradition of not formally endorsing any political candidate by endorsing the Harris/Walz ticket:

The historic endorsement of the Democratic presidential ticket is the first for the civil rights group, which formed in 1929 to protect the rights of Americans of Mexican descent. LULAC leaders announced the endorsement first to NBC News and plan to join Harris and Walz at a rally in Las Vegas on Saturday.

The endorsement was made through its political action committee, the LULAC Adelante PAC. LULAC is a nonprofit with a social welfare arm, and under federal tax law it cannot make political endorsements.

“We are proud to endorse Kamala Harris and Tim Walz because of the real issues facing Latino communities and all Americans across the nation; we can trust them to do what is right for our community and the country,” Domingo Garcia, chairman of LULAC Adelante PAC and LULAC’s immediate past president, said in a statement.


“The politics of hate mongering and scapegoating Latinos and immigrants must be stopped,” Garcia said in the statement.

“Latinos understand how much is at stake in this election, for not only our community but our democracy,” he stated.

Is there any part of the population that Trump and his little MAGAts haven't ticked off?

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