September 9, 2024

Trump campaign aide Corey Lewandowski made an appearance on this Sunday's Media Buzz on Fox "news," and did his best to downplay Trump's flip-flopping on the issue of abortion.

Host Howard Kurtz tried to paint Trump as moving to the "center" on the issue of abortion while asking Lewandowski about his changing stances on that and other issues, and Lewandowski pretended no one's going to be voting on abortion in November.

Trump hasn't moved anywhere. He's just flailing around saying anything that he thinks will get him elected and has never had any consistency when speaking about abortion. What matters are his actions, and we all know what he's done and who he's going to cave to if he gets back in office again.

KURTZ: Well, if you talk about changing positions, Donald Trump has criticized Florida's six-week abortion ban. He's also said another Trump term would be good for women and reproductive rights. I know that sparked some backlash from pro-life groups.

And he says that either the government or insurance companies should pay for IVF treatments, and he favors now decriminalization of marijuana. Those are pretty clear signs he's moving toward the center.

LEWANDOWSKI: Yeah, but Howie, look, those are positions that most of the American people aren't voting on. Look, they're voting on crime. They're voting on national security issues, and most importantly, Howie, the number one issue we continue to see is the economy.

And it's always the case. And the question you have to ask yourself, are you better off today than you were four years ago? And as it relates to the issue of pro-life, Donald Trump appointed three pro-life judges that are sitting on the Supreme Court that overturned Roe v. Wade so it goes back to the states.

And so these states now decide through the elections what those laws are going to look like. And what happens in Kansas and Ohio may be very different than what happens in a state like New York or Arizona.

So look, the states are the laboratories of democracy, and all Donald Trump has done is give the people the opportunity to vote on how they want to govern themselves. And that's how the system is supposed to work.

Lewandowski and the rest of them are going to find out just how much the issue matters this election where abortion is on the ballot in states across the country, and it has overtaken the economy as the most important issue for women under 45.

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