Moms For Liberty Officer Arrested On Insurrection Charges
Credit: Reddit
September 15, 2024

I'm not really sure how this fits into their so-called concern about parents' rights:

The vice president of a North Carolina county chapter of Moms for Liberty has been arrested on charges related to the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

According to court documents, Justina Guardino was arrested in Wilmington, North Carolina, on charges including entering a restricted building, disorderly conduct, and unlawful picketing in a Capitol building. A PACER entry confirmed the arrest warrant, which was under seal until recently.

The New Hanover County chapter of Moms for Liberty appeared to have scrubbed any mention of Guardino from their website. However, an archived version of their site from April via the Wayback Machine showed the organization previously listed her as vice chair.

How typical of the Klanned Karenhood to try to scrub any trace of her from their website. Give them long enough and they'll be the only organization without any members.

But at least the kids will be safe while she's in prison.

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