Every right-winger has been saying that Osama Bin Laden's silence is an endorsement for Kerry.
Dick Morris spins "silence" into Al Qaeda support for Kerry-MMFA
Apparently, Morris now considers such an attack to be less likely and has developed a new theory for how he believes the terrorists are going to influence the election in Kerry's favor. On the October 25 edition of the nationally syndicated The Radio Factor with Bill O'Reilly, Morris told host Bill O'Reilly that "Al Qaeda is voting with its silence for John Kerry":
MORRIS: My sense is that the real question here is, how scared are we about terrorism? And I think that Al Qaeda is voting with its silence. Al Qaeda attacked us in Spain before the election. Al Qaeda attacked Australia before the election. Hamas and Hezbollah attack Israel before every election, and there has been no Al Qaeda attack anywhere in the world in months. No bin Laden tape, no threats coming out of it, and I think that Al Qaeda is voting with its silence for John Kerry.
And on the October 23 edition of ABC Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show, Morris reflected similar adjustments to his conviction that terrorists prefer Kerry:
MORRIS: You know, Al Qaeda is voting in this election with their silence. ... Do you hear a peep out of them? Do you hear a bin Laden tape? Do you hear a threatening gesture? Do you hear any kind of statement that any of them is making? And they know that if they attack, uh, the United States or in some major terrorist target that that's gonna raise the fear level and that it will help Bush. ... But Putin, who is opposed to it, said that a victory for Kerry would -- would not help the war on terror.
HANNITY: Yeah. ... I think your analysis is 100 percent right, and I think they know politically that an attack would help George W. Bush. I think they are that savvy and that aware of our political system.