Oh, thank you very, very, very fucking much people for bringing my attention to this little goodie from Michelle Malkin. Well, it's only appropriate, I guess, to end a truly Malkin'd week with the sort of really busy fisking of a wing nut that you craaave. Especially since Auguste is off somewhere on hiatus and someone's got to take out the trash.
I'm not sure why it has to be me though. What about the Liberal Avenger? Can't he avenge this cold blooded murder of brain cells and bandwidth that Malkin saw fit to shove in our faces like we were Scott McClellan and her column was Jeff Gannon's cock?
No, seems he's got his own problems.
Oh, OK. (pinches nose shut). Damn, you know I'm going to boof.
Yeah, yeah, we get it: She's a communist or, rather, she writes for a communist newspaper, a difference there that seems entirely lost on Malkin, like so much else.
Commie! Commie! Neener-neener-neener!
Go ahead, Michelle, get it out of your system. We'll wait. Forever. read on...
In Praise Of...Flavia Colgan and Lawrence O'DonnellLiberal Avenger? Can't he avenge this cold blooded murder of brain cells and bandwidth that Malkin saw fit to shove in our faces like we were Scott McClellan and her column was Jeff Gannon's cock?
No, seems he's got his own problems.
Oh, OK. (pinches nose shut). Damn, you know I'm going to boof.
Yeah, yeah, we get it: She's a communist or, rather, she writes for a communist newspaper, a difference there that seems entirely lost on Malkin, like so much else.
Commie! Commie! Neener-neener-neener!
Go ahead, Michelle, get it out of your system. We'll wait. Forever. read on...