Bill O'Reilly promotes internet smear sites
Bill has been banging his drum against what he considers the "far left smear websites." and he's going to hold them accountable for damaging people. (It's really about him) Now-his policy is not to name the websites before it was. One of his major complaints is that email addresses are printed on-line so that complaints can be lodged. Last night he had on Ann Coulter as a guest, to justify this meaningless controversy (we all know about Christmas.) and point out that she indeed is getting email complaints to keep her off of CNN.
Further in the interview he makes the point that if websites talk about Coulter, they're encouraging people to rape and attack her. Has anyone ever seen Bill O'Reilly's body guards by the way?
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(For the record-she can speak and appear on any station or campus that is willing to have her or any other controversial person as far as I'm concerned.)
My question to Bill O'Reilly is why does he still have on Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter as guests since they engage in the same behaviour that he is attacking?
Michelle Malkin printed the email of a teacher on her website to get him fired because "an English teacher's use of liberal statements in a vocabulary quiz." Read the article here.
Coulter is guilty of a far more worse offense. She printed the telephone number and address of Lydia Cornell, an actress and author on her website because she didn't like a letter and article that she wrote her. Here's the complete story at Brad Blog. I talked to Lydia about this and she was very upset. Cornell has received several frightening phone calls because of Coulter's insanity. It's obvious that Bill will say anything to make his "loopy" points. The oldest trick in the book is to print nasty emails or comments from a thread. I should print some of mine, but it's childish. Let me ask O'Reilly this. How much actual damage is done via email? How much actual damage is done by printing addresses and telephone numbers? Will O'Reilly rebuke Malkin and Coulter? It looks to me like he supports the behavior he pompously deplores.