Jerry Falwell Jr's sordid sexual proclivities and in-your-face abuse of his position as Liberty University's president is an example of extreme hubris. Suing Liberty U after he was fired is just blowing smoke at the fire.
I really don't care what his kinks are, but when they involve his not-for-profit Liberty University, they matter. Taxpayers make sure that university exists, and students' penalties for too-short skirts and other "sins" contribute to their coffers.
In 2020, Falwell, Jr. started out the year by claiming that COVID-19 was a biological weapon developed by North Korea against Trump personally.
By the end of 2020, Falwell had resigned from Liberty University, sued them, and then dropped the lawsuit after reports that the funds of that God-blessed institution were used to promote Donald Trump. Lots of funds. Many, many tax-exempt dollars.
In between those two events, he posed with his pants open and his arm around a young lady who is not his wife, admitted that his wife had an affair with Giancarlo Granda, but denied that he liked to watch in spite of a credible report with texts and photos indicating otherwise. Oh, and another student came forward with allegations of harassment by Becki Falwell too.
Is there a bigger hypocrite gasbag than this hubris-filled sack of sh*t? I think not, and for that he gets a Crookie.