Keilar mopped the floor Friday with Carlson’s effort to downplay the insurrection at the Capitol as “a political protest that got out of hand” and his attempt to make those who rightly labeled the insurrection as sedition the real villains. She also exposed Carlson’s racism with a devastating comparison of his tolerance for the MAGA violence with his condemnation of Black Lives Matter protests.
Apparently, she struck a nerve. Carlson’s stock-in-trade is vicious smears but he couldn’t handle Keilar’s methodical, point-by-point takedown.
Nor could he defend himself with any facts or truth.
Instead, he accused CNN of trying to force Fox News off the air and run it out of business. He alleged that CNN staffers “have already contacted the six major cable carriers” and “pressured them to drop Fox News.” His so-called proof was reading CNN’s statement, “It is time that TV carriers face questions for lending their platforms to dishonest companies that profit off of disinformation and conspiracy theories.”
It’s worth noting that Carlson never disputed that he and Fox have profited from disinformation and conspiracy theories. No, he, took a stand for the right to do so.
Let’s not forget that freedom-of-the-press lover Carlson deliberately endangered two New York Times journalists with on-air lies. He has also hinted at threatening the reporters who outed his head writer as a white supremacist.
In this case, the 51 year-old Carlson devolved into childish name calling:
We can just imagine Carlson’s fragile ego melting at being destroyed by Keilar, the “former homecoming queen” who is not even a prime time host, like he is.
Not everyone takes her seriously. She wants to be taken seriously, and this is her chance. So she tries to remember the dwarf king’s orders: Stop Fox. That was the main command.
In her commentary, Keilar looked up the words “sedition” and “insurrection” in the dictionary and followed up with facts to prove the seriousness of the armed attack on the Capitol. Again, Carlson didn’t dispute a single fact. He merely continued his childish invective.
In Carlson’s hideous mind, apparently, slinging mud passes for truth. Or something. And the poster child for white privilege never forgets to pretend that white people are the perennial racial victims.
It went on like this for an entire segment. you can look it up on the internet. In a way, that’s the good news. With enemies like this, Fox News will be around for a long, long time.
Don’t tell me Carlson isn’t worried.