Eshaton: The decline and fall of the British ruling class, Ghislaine Maxwell edition.
Lawyers, Guns and Money: Hot spots and cold wars spur talk of conflict.
Informed Comment: While all eyes have been on COP26 in Glasgow, the United States is rapidly increasingly solar and wind generating capacity.
ACA Signups: A single animation tells the tale. Before unvaccinated red staters chose suicide by spite, the Trump administration let COVID ravage blue states.
Speaking of which, your quote of the day:
"It’s going to disappear. One day it’s like a miracle—it will disappear." (President Donald Trump, on the exploding COVID-19 pandemic, February 28, 2020)
Guest blogging Mike's Blog Round Up this week is Jon Perr from Perrspectives. Send your tips, recommendations, comments and angst to mbru AT crooksandliars DOT com.