With the latest ceasefire in Sarajevo some four hours old, February 10th 1994 started off on a note of cautious optimism. With NATO and United Nations forces stepping up their efforts at a settlement in the never-ending ethnic strife that had overtaken the region, and air of skepticism and hope pervaded the atmosphere in the troubled former Yugoslavia.
So the news on this day in 1994 was hopeful. Hopeful too were signals a partial agreement had been reached between Israel and the PLO over the autonomy question in Gaza and Jericho. How long this would be in effect was also a matter of time, but it was a start.
Somalia, another up-and-coming trouble spot on the World stage, reported the kidnapping of two British members of Parliament and a British Aid worker. No news on conditions, demands or consequences as of this broadcast.
And the Winter Olympics/Tonya Harding-Nancy Kerrigan Scandal was back in the news with lawyers for Harding filing a $25 million lawsuit over the barring of their client from the Winter Olympics. Hearings were continuing in Oslo over Harding's role as accomplice in the attack on skater Nancy Kerrigan. While attorney's for Harding maintained her innocence, a PR blitz ramped up on behalf of the Harding camp portrayed Tonya Harding as an innocent victim.
And University of Oklahoma coach Bud Wilkinson died at the age of 77.
All that and so much more, this day in history for February 10, 1994 as reported on The CBS World News Roundup.