(changed the title)
Les Kinsolving, has taken the mantle from Jimmy/Jeff. Why do some republicans think that Alito shouldn't be asked any tough questions at his hearing, especially Lindsey Graham? I know they need the apperance that the Democrats are mean, but it's a rather ridiculous theme. They are only looking for another crony rubber stamp and a way to manufacture a scandal when there isn't one. I wonder how many Press reporters complained of Tom Coburn's endless nonsense? Listen to Les ask this of Scotty:
Les: Which Senator if any- would you say is uglier than Ted Kennedy? (later) In other words you can't think of anyone uglier can you-then Kennedy...
Scotty: I think the American people expect more from their elected leaders.
I wonder how they fell about Tom Delay and the rest that will fall under Abramoff's scandal? (I know he's been around for a while) We'll keep our on eye on Les.
Kathleen Reardon writes:
"Of course questions should be asked -- and they should be tough ones. Judge Alito's entire career revolves around questioning. If he can't deal with them competently and persuasively, he shouldn't be on the Supreme Court. A cult of no criticism is emerging in Washington, evidenced once again at the Alito hearings. It's like an invisible bubble contrived to protect the White House and most Republicans from challenges...read on