August 25, 2018

More Relaxed Edition: IT'S SATURDAY!! (No "Pecker" jokes, either.)

But can we afford to relax? "Wingnut: Hillary Clinton Will Be Killed if Trump Doesn’t Start Arresting Pedophiles Soon". Yeah, Trump, get on that, would you please? (Compare & contrast w/ this, seen right here at Crooks&Liars just yesterday: "That Time Trump Talked About His Daughter's 'Rack' With Robin Leach". Eeeew.)

First Draft's Malaka of the Wk. is Duncan Hunter, a lying sack of crap for whom low-life is too kind a phrase.

Big Bad Bald Bastard: "It's not every day when you see the President of the United States parrot the fever dreams of foreign white supremacists, but Donald Trump is no ordinary President ..."

Trump, talkin' & threatenin' like a hood: Cannonfire has a list.

Bonus Track: I've been in favor of splitting this nation of sheep in two (at least) for quite some time, & along east-west lines, not the usual "get rid of the South" bit. At Obsidian Wings, Michael Cain gives us reasons that might work.

This edition edited by M. Bouffant, also available at Web of Evil (& Ennui). Tipline:

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