via Daou Report
No Left Turn is hoping that President Bush will win the Nobel Peace Prize. I'm serious.
"So I pose a question. What are the chances that President Bush will receive the Nobel Peace Prize before he leaves office? I think the chances are very much in his favor. In fact, Ill go so far as to say that unless an unseen catastrophe happens in the region, he will receive the Prize."
I think they got the words "piece" and "peace" confused. The word piece means: "portion or part that has been separated from a whole" So if we use it in a sentence. "President Bush has blown the city of Falujah to pieces." That makes sense.
Now the word peace means: The absence of war or other hostilities." So right there you can see that President Bush is immediately disqualified. I can go into "unseen catastrophe" another day.
ps: The Daou Report is an excellent site that combines right, center, and left wing blogs and news sources.